This is an Ensemble to predict the recurrence of breast cancer in women using 5 machine learning Algorithms. More Updates coming. Link to the github page abo...
This is an Ensemble to predict the recurrence of breast cancer in women using 5 machine learning Algorithms. More Updates coming. Link to the github page abo...
This is a data visualization project using Microsoft Power BI, R and Python (Different python tools such as matplotlib, Plotly, Seaborn)to visualize differen...
This is a project on the marketing promotion for a firm that was done in class. It was used to help predict which days whould be best for the promotion.
In this project I built a hotel recommendation engine using data obtained from kaggle
This is a project on a Titanic case study on which exploratory data analysis was carried out with different machine learning algorithms
This is a sentiment analysis of different text using different python tools such as textblob, afinn, NLTK.
Data wrangling using python. This project shows the acquisiton of data from different sources such as CSV, webscraping and interacting with an API in order t...
Exploratory data Analysis of heart disease and logistic regression using both R and Python
This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing thi...
Creation of a Cash Register to show the value of Object Oriented programming